“How to guide” for downloading and using Zoom for Video Consultations
The 5 simple instructions below show you how to download & join a Zoom Video Consultation using your preferred device (PC / Tablet /Smartphone).
We are also able to use Skype, WhatsApp or FaceTime if you prefer - just let us know when making your booking.
Getting Zoom setup using your PC:
1. Prior to your appointment go to www.zoom.us/download
2. Click on download to install Zoom on your device.
3. You will receive an email either prior to your appointment or at the time of the appointment to join a Zoom meeting.
4. At your appointment time click the link to join the meeting or enter the meeting ID and password directly into Zoom.
5. Your remote Video Consultation begins. Easy!
Getting Zoom setup using a Tablet / Smartphone:
1. Visit the Android / Apple App Store.
2. Download “Zoom Cloud Meetings” App (free download).
3. Create an account.
4. Either before or at the time of your appointment, you will receive an invite via email to join the meeting.
5. Follow the instructions on the invite and the Video Consultation commences.
Further guidance on using Zoom can be found here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzk4vdTIi0c or by calling us on 0114 2302030
Further Advice for Video / Telephone Consultations:
· When you join the meeting for your Video Consultation please ensure you turn video and audio on (bottom left corner) so you can be seen and heard.
· If you experience any problems at the start of your Video Consultation, the Physiotherapist will contact immediately by telephone to try to remedy the issue.
· It is advisable for you to place your camera in a static position and where you can be seen when performing movements.
· Dress appropriately for the Video Consultation– consider wearing shorts for a leg problem, and a vest for a back / shoulder problem for example.
· The Video Consultations will typically last 30 minutes, and a Telephone Consultations 15 minutes, but this will be dependent on your symptoms.
· All Video / Telephone Consultations are secure and confidential.
· Video / Telephone Consultations are approved by NHS (Derbyshire GP practices), One Heath Group, BUPA, AXA PPP, Westfield, Nuffield, Vitality and many other private medical insurance providers. Please contact us to confirm whether your treatment is covered.
· If you are paying privately for your Video / Telephone Consultation, payment can betaken by our reception staff prior to your consultation, or the Physiotherapist will take secure card payment at the end of your Video / Telephone Consultation.
Thank you
The White House Physiotherapy Team
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