Privacy Policy at White House Clinic Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinics

Head Office address: 3 Sandygate Park, Sheffield S10 5TZ

The White House Clinic Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic will respect and protect any personal information you provide us with.  This information can be obtained through making an appointment, the clinical examination or from any purchase of products or services with us.

Any changes to the policy will be made by updating this page.  You should check this page from time to timeto ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from 31.08.22.

Who is the Policy for?

This policy is information for people that we hold information for or are about to hold their information. They are mostly our individual records for physiotherapy clients. White House Clinic (WHC) are committed to ensuring we hold your data securely this policy explains:

  • What we hold?
  • Why we hold it?
  • How long we hold it for?

WHC holds “Personal and Special Information ”as defined by the GDPR and Data Protection Regulations. We treat our responsibilities very seriously as an organisation and as individuals we will always treat your information as important and ensure that we protect its use, access and accuracy.  WHC uses software companies registered with the Information Commissioners Office Registration Number: ISO 9001 (Quality Management) accreditation and ISO 27001 (Information Security Management) accreditation.

What personal information we collect

  • Name, date of birth and address
  • Contact information such as a telephone number and/or an email address
  • History of your health, your family’s health and any related conditions you have, your medication, occupation and interests
  • How your treatment is paid for e.g. self-payer– private insurance policy – referral from a third party

This information will primarily be collected from you with your permission.  Where it is lawful to do so, we may collect information from other sources such as the NHS or other healthcare providers authorised to provide it.  This includes parents or carers who have permission to give information on your behalf.

What we do with the information we gather

We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with the best possible service.  We require your information for the following reasons:

  • During your appointment
  • Internal record keeping
  • Any referrals made to your GP or the hospital
  • Providing products and services
  • Responding to any queries you have
  • Maintaining records for tax compliance with the laws defence of claims
  • Managing and administrating insurance claims

In order to provide you with products or services described above we hold digital copies of your information securely at WHC locations.

Third Party System Software Providers and your data security

Part of our processes use third party systems software to collect and store your personal information.  Under GDPR guidelines ‘we’ as Data Controllers have responsibility to ensure that your data is processed securely.

The White House Clinic uses different software providers for different elements of the business.  When you provide us with information it can be in the following ways:

  • By Telephone:

Our telephone system is an internet-based call system where all calls are secure and recorded for training and monitoring purposes. Recorded calls are stored for a maximum of 60 days within our password protected portal which is accessible only by senior management.  After 60 days calls are deleted from the system automatically.

Any information gathered during a phone call will be input by a staff member directly into our private practice management software where data is securely stored within our own multi-layered protected computer network.

  • When requesting a telephone consultation via our website:

Our website contains a form field which allows our customers to send us their request for a call back.  When you input your personal information into this form the information is sent directed to our encrypted email service to and is collected by a receptionist/administrator or physiotherapist.  All access to our emails are password protected at each stage.

  • Newsletter sign-up

You can complete our online form via our website in order to receive a copy of our newsletter via email.  When you input your personal information into this form the information is sent directed to our encrypted email service to and is collected by a receptionist/administrator or physiotherapist.  All access to our emails are password protected at each stage.

  • Booking a physiotherapy appointment online via our website:

Via you can book an appointment straight into our diary system.  The data provided at this stage links directly with our securely hosted system and is not accessible to anyone outside of our organisation.  The system is password protected at all stages with each ‘data controller or data processor’ having their own log-in secure passwords.

  • When you attend your appointment:

You will be asked to complete a paper registration form.  This form allows the physiotherapist to gather the relevant information from you prior to your appointment.  The receptionist/administrator will input the information from this registration form into our system and will then shred the document to ensure your security.

  • After your appointment:

Your physiotherapist may provide you with an exercise programme.  The software which we use links directly to a programme called Physitrack.  You will be asked to provide an email address to the physiotherapist (if you haven’t already done so) and a link will be sent directly to you via an encrypted email with your exercises.  By clicking on the link you will access your programme in the external Physitrack software. Physitrack also has an app which you can download onto your mobile device.  Physitrack’s ‘Terms &conditions/Privacy Policy’ will then be available for you to read prior to accessing the system.

  • Booking into a Pilates/Yoga or other group class at the clinic:

WHC uses the same software programme for booking into a class online as our other services. This programme collects your personal information and stores your payment information securely within the software.

Your payment information is NOT accessible to anyone at WHC at any time, this information is kept securely within the software  

How long we store your information for

Information will be retained by us for as long as is reasonably necessary as defined under applicable healthcare laws and regulations. For private clients where we create your medical records, we will store the information as long as we provide your treatment and for a further period of 5 years after the last treatment.

Who your personal information is shared with

  • We may disclose personal information to health care authorities including the NHS or equivalent bodies
  • If you have been referred to us as a corporate customer, we may share your information with your employer

How to update your information

If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, you can update your personal information by visiting our practice or in writing posted via royal mail.  If you would like to do this, our head office address is:

The White House physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic, 3 Sandygate Park, Sheffield, S10 5TZ

Protecting personal information

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure.  In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronics and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect from you.  All paper copies of your records are destroyed and electronically accessed only by our data processors.

We cannot 100% guarantee the complete security of our electronic database however we do have antivirus software in place which is maintained by our software security company.  We also cannot 100% guarantee that the information you supply to us will not be intercepted when provided over the internet.  Any online transmission of information is at your own risk.

Using our Website

When you access our website, we log your IP address for administration and information purposes.  Our website may use cookies to allow you access to certain areas within our website or to track visitors to our site with Google Analytics.  The cookie will not store any personal information you may provide.


The services contained in this section enable the Owner to monitor and analyze web traffic and can be used to keep track of User behavior.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest.  However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website.  Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement.  You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Your rights

The UK Data Protection Regulations are specific about the treatment of personal and special data, you have the right to receive a copy of your records by making a Subject Access Request in writing. To request a copy of your Data Please submit your request to: Lynn Rogers, White House Physiotherapy Clinic, 3 Sandygate Park, Sheffield, S10 5TZ.

White House Clinic will only use qualified clinicians when we provide advice or services to you or your employer our clinicians are regulated and authorised by, Nursing Midwifery Council, General Medical Council, Health Care Protection Council, and British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy

Any complaints or praise can be sent to Lynn Rogers, White House Physiotherapy Clinic, 3 Sandygate Park, Sheffield,S10 5TZ. If you are unhappy at how WHC have processed your data you can contact the Information Commissioners Office at or write to Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,Cheshire SK9 5AF

Legal disclaimer

The information on in this document is intended for information and reference purposes only. The medical information is general and not case specific.  It should not be relied upon as a replacement for seeking advice from a registered physiotherapist, general medical practitioner or other professional person. White House Clinic do not accept liability whatsoever for any assumed diagnosis or treatment made from information contained within this document or on our website.

By answering any question, inquiry or providing you any information, the therapist is not treating you as a patient.  Without an assessment the therapist will under no circumstances assume any liability or responsibility whatsoever for the care of an individual.  Our therapist is providing you with the requested information as a professional courtesy, for general information purposes only.

If you have any concerns regarding how your personal data is held by our company, please contact our data controller by visiting our practice or in writing.  Alternatively contact the ICO

Last updated 31.08.22

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