NHS First Contact Practitioner (FCP) Physiotherapy
FCP’s are physiotherapists working as part of the GP practice team and they provide a physiotherapy triage or MSK screening service. The vast majority of FCP’s are physiotherapists with enhanced skills.
The White House Clinic has supported NHS Musculoskeletal (MSK) services for more than 20 years by being funded by CCGs. We have delivered a wide range of services from on-site GP physiotherapy clinics, to Extended Scope Practitioner (ESP) orthopaedic triage services.
More recently, the White House Clinic has offered NHS First Contact Practitioner (FCP) Physiotherapy services. These services are primarily with Primary Care Networks (PCN’s), and our current contracts in place are long-term contracts. GP’s are able to access funding through their PCN for FCP services by utilising the DES fund (1 x FCP per 50K of population).

FCP services
FCP overview
Why choose WHC to undertake your FCP services
FCP Locations
FCP Service Reporting
White House Clinic FCP Services
Our team are ready and waiting to assist with your recovery.