What Are The Benefits Of Orthotic Devices?


An orthotic device (or orthoses) is a shoe insert which you may be recommended following a bio-mechanical assessment / gait analysis with a Podiatrist.

These can be either pre-fabricated devices (not bespoke to an individual but a cheaper option) or custom made devices which are manufactured from a plaster cast of the feet and a bespoke prescription.


  • Improve shock absorption
  • Improve stability (proprioception)
  • Alter problematic foot mechanics
  • Change moments around joints (e.g. decrease pronation at the sub-talar joint)
  • Reduce force within injured tissue
  • A flatter abdomen, toned arms and thighs and a stronger back
  • A refreshing mind-body workout

Sport Enhancement

Orthoses will usually feel very strange at first and a period of slow and gradual introduction is often advised. You can often play sport on an orthotic device within 2 weeks of its issue, although everyone is different with respect to how they adapt to this change in position and movement of the foot.

Orthoses have been show to be of benefit in many lower limb conditions such as:

  • Big Toe Problems
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Foot Tendon Problem
  • Rigid Foot Types
  • Flat Feet
  • Heel Pain and Plantar fasciitis
  • Shin Pain (Shin splints)
  • Knee Pain
  • Back Pain

Custom made orthoses often come with a lifetime guarantee against breakage, but may require some maintenance to prolong their life, whereas pre-fabricated orthoses can often only last 1-2 years. A Podiatrist can advise you of the expected life span of a particular device depending on its structure and the activities being performed upon it.

Individuals seeing the Podiatrist under their private medical insurance should note that orthotic devices are not covered by any UK insurance provider so the cost has to be met by the patient.

James Walker

Service Development Director & Senior Physiotherapist

James is the Service Development Director and a Senior Physiotherapist at the White House Clinic. He qualified from Sheffield Hallam University with a BSc (Hons) degree in Physiotherapy in 2009.

James Walker

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