White House Clinic supporting Neurocare

White House Clinic is pleased to announce that it will once again be supporting Neurocare in its annual golf day at Hallamshire Golf Club on Friday the 6th August 2021.
Neurocare is linked with Sheffield Hospitals Charity, and raises money to support patients and staff at the Neurosciences and Neurology departments at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, the Northern General Hospital and the Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN). They have raised significant funds to buy equipment and support research to save and improve the lives of patients with a range of debilitating or potentially fatal neurological conditions.
White House Clinic will be entering two teams made up of 4 players. Each team will be captained by two of our clinic partners, Jason Howard and Gregg Roberts. We expect it to be a great day out, with some good golf played (hopefully!), all whilst supporting a brilliant local charity.
If you would like to donate to this charity then please visit their website here; https://neurocare.org.uk/ and click the ‘donate now!’ option on the home page.
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