White House Physiotherapy Clinic Coronavirus / Staying at home advice
White House Physiotherapy Clinic Coronavirus / Staying at home advice
We are entering unchartered territory with managing coronavirus around the world. There is already enough advice on singing Happy Birthday whilst washing your hands, wiping surfaces regularly and not panicking. This doesn’t change the White House clinics management much; being a medical practice, we adhere to strict standards already. This was recently proved after passing a strict CQC inspection in the clinic. We now have taken extra precautions at our clinic, with further staff training and regular surface wipe downs throughout the building. Our staff are fully aware of how to advise our patients when attending for treatment and what to do if they or their family members develop any symptoms.
Throughout this period we will endeavour to remain open for appointments at each of our clinics, as long as government advice allows us to. We are constantly reviewing the situation and will make updates on our website when necessary. We are currently running normal clinical appointments at each of our clinics.
As part of The White House strategy, we can now offer the addition of consultations via secure video conferencing. With this method, we can at least talk to you to see how your recovery is progressing, provide advice on your condition and even review and progress your exercise programme for you to do at home. We already utilise brilliant exercise software with a high level of patient satisfaction – Physitrack allows us to email you out a group of exercises which have clear video demonstrations and are easy for you to follow and track.
Please call or email us at info@whitehouse-clinic.co.uk for advice regarding these services
Are you ready to work from home?
Over the next few months we may find many people working from home as they self-isolate. This is a common feature of modern working already, but it may well be a novel experience to many more people soon. Working from home has great benefits, in terms of allowing a more flexible working routine. But it has its issues as well. Many people don’t have the correct workstation set-up and may find themselves using their laptop whilst sitting at the dining table. The type of chair you use may not be as well suited to the task either.
We recommend that you set up a specific area for you to work from, with the most comfortable desk / table height, and the most comfortable chair. As this may not be the most ergonomic set up we recommend regular breaks from sitting and to do a few gentle stretches or take a stroll down the garden frequently each day.
If you have to self-isolate it is still important to maintain a level of activity and exercise. You may not be able to get to the local swimming pool or to your gym or exercise class, but there is still plenty you can do. This may be a good time to try something new.
How about getting a skipping rope? – an excellent form of exercise you can do from your ownback yard.
A TRX is another excellent piece of home exercise equipment –bodyweight suspension training.
There are some great ideas for exercises online and with apps as well. Our Senior Physiotherapist, Steve uses the Nike training club app (free) and Virtual Trainer Suspension (TRX) (£3.49) for his strength & conditioning.
For yoga there is plenty online, with Yoga with Adrienne an excellent starting point for beginners (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--jhKVdZOJM)
We are in a challenging period, but with some strategic planning and adaptation we will get through this and come out strong on the other side.
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