Sheffield Private Pregnancy Care
Pregnancy is a time of happiness for most couples but for some, it can be a source of great anxiety especially if there have been problems with previous pregnancies, or concerns exist currently. Some of the benefits of private care are:
- No waiting lists, you can be seen promptly
- Consultant led expert advice
- Calm and confidential setting
- Clean and safe environment
- State of the art scanning equipment
- Free parking and refreshments
- Professional, caring and friendly staff
- More time dedicated to you and your baby
Sheffield Private Pregnancy Care is independantly run by Professor Dilly Anumba and Mr Roobin Jokhi, Consultants in Obstetrics, and specialists in Maternal and Fetal Medicine at the Jessop Wing Maternity Unit in Sheffield, part of the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
Together, they have nearly 40 years experience in women’s health care and pregnancy.
They are accredited with the Fetal Medicine Foundation in London for the assessment of the nuchal translucency in the first trimester and have had extensive experience of high risk and normal pregnancy.
Private Antenatal Care
We offer a bespoke and flexible private antenatal care service comprising up to six antenatal visits and three ultrasound scans (including 3D/4D) in our suites at the White House Clinic. This offers you the opportunity of consulting with specialist experts in all aspects of pregnancy care in a friendly environment where you are seen promptly and safely.
Current clinic times are:
- Monday evenings - Prof. Anumba
- Wednesday evenings - Mr Jokhi
- Thursdays - Mr Jokhi
Some of the services offered by Sheffield Private Pregnancy Care are:

- Contact
- Address3 Sandygate Park, Sheffield S10 5TZ
Early Pregnancy Scan (7 wks +)
The early pregnancy scan is the first pregnancy scan that you can have and is not routinely available on the NHS. It is often done if you are not sure if you are pregnant or to provide reassurance in the very early stages of your pregnancy.
An early pregnancy scan will:
- Determine the presence of a pregnancy
- Confirm the fetal heartbeat after 7 weeks
- Check the viability of the pregnancy
- Diagnose a multiple pregnancy
- Calculate your estimated due date (EDD)
You can have an early pregnancy scan any time from 6 weeks to 11 weeks and 1 day into your pregnancy
Non Invasive Prenatal Testing (Harmony Blood Test) (10 wks +)
At Sheffield Private Pregnancy Care, we are pleased to announce that we are working in conjunction with TDL Genetics in London to offer a brand new and revolutionary service to our clients – Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT). This simple blood test represents the future of screening for chromosomal abnormalities and we are one of the first to offer this service to the women of Sheffield.
For more information about the NIPT service please click here
Nuchal Scan (11-13 wks + 6 days)
11-13 weeks + 6 days.
The nuchal scan provides a screening for chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome and is combined with a blood test.
It is also the first opportunity to reliably examine your baby’s anatomy as it is fully developed at around 12 weeks.
Purpose Of The Nuchal Scan
A nuchal scan will:
- Check the viability of your pregnancy
- Confirm the number of babies
- Take measurements of your baby’s size which will date your pregnancy
- Screen for Down Syndrome, Edward’s and Patau Syndromes
Gender/Sexing Scan (16 wks +)
From 16 -32 weeks
Finding out the gender of your baby can help prepare for it's arrival, from as early as 16 weeks our consultants use accurate ultrasound guidance to determine the sex of your baby.
Although we cannot 100% guarantee the sex of the baby our experience is second to none in accuracy.
Growth & Reassurance Scans (from 20 wks)
20 - 36 weeks
A reassurance scan is a highly accurate way to check on the growth progress of your baby. It is recommended if you have had previous birth complications, such as pre-eclampsia, growth restriction, diabetes and still birth and if you develop problems during the course of your pregnancy.
The consultant takes various measurements of your baby and compares them to a set of fetal growth charts. These charts predict the size of your baby’s growth at any particular stage in your pregnancy.
During your appointment the consultant will:
- Check your baby’s heart beat
- Measure the circumference and diameter of your baby’s head
- Measure the size of your baby’s waist
- Measure the length of your baby’s femur
- Examine your placenta
- Check the amount of fluid around your baby
- Check the baby’s movements
- Input all the measurements and data into our fetal database to compare and chart your baby’s growth
We can also check the gender of your baby – but we’ll only tell you if you want to know
A detailed medical report will be available at the end of your appointment.
Meet the Team
A skilled and experienced team to help you every step of the way.
Our team are ready and waiting to assist with your recovery.